Wish - Ardas Bayee - Single

Fecha de publicación: 
Dom, 15/02/2015
Ohm Spirit Sound

Wish - Ardas Bayee - Single - publicado: 15 de feb. de 2015

WISH – “ Ardas “

Your prayer of love
Will be heard by the Saints…
Blessed with their grace,
Your wishes will be granted…
Oh, Bounteous One, Creator of All…
I bow to your Name…
In my prayers and meditation…

Ardas Bayee Amardas Guru
Amardas Guru Ardas Bayee
Ram Das Guru Ram Das Guru
Ram Das Guru Sache Sahee

Trust in your prayer
Let your wish touch a star…
Seal it with Faith,
And never feel forsaken…
Shine Radiant One,
Through the depths of our Hearts…
Chanting Your Name…
In our prayers and meditation…

Julia Claire Dascombe



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